Meet this year’s expert speakers for NSIPs Forum

While Freshwater has been delivering specialist events for clients across the UK for more than 25 years, our sister company, Waterfront Conference Company, is a leading provider of conferences, events and training within the transport and infrastructure sector.

Ahead of its flagship event, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Forum on 1-2 March 2023, we hear from some of the key speakers about what they will be discussing at the event.

The NSIPs Forum is an important event for the major infrastructure sector giving attendees an opportunity to receive the latest guidance and innovative advice on how to create their application, successfully receive a development consent order, and progress projects to delivery.

Jamie Baldwin, Development Projects Director from Ørsted will provide lessons on delivering offshore wind development.

Lisa Lamb, Head of Planning and Major Infrastructure at National Trust will explore the land owner perspective and how to engage with landowners throughout the process.

Tony Freudmann, Director of RiverOak Strategic Partners will present a case study on Manston Airport and the lessons which can be applied to other projects.


To hear more from these speakers, register to attend Waterfront’s Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Forum on 1-2 March.  Find out more about our work with the infrastructure sector here.

