Public relations

Reputation is hard-won and can be easily lost. As an experienced public relations agency, Freshwater can help you unlock and harness the power of your reputation by building awareness, understanding and trust between you and the audiences that matter.
Freshwater lives and breathes public relations. It is at our core as an agency. We were established in 1997 and have spent more than 20 years advising private and public sector organisations on how to use PR to manage their reputation. We help them to stay ahead of the game in a constantly changing media landscape. And we embrace new and emerging trends in communication and technology.
Our award-winning team is formed of experienced PR consultants, press officers, trained journalists and ex-broadcasters. Supported by copywriters, designers, social media specialists and video producers, we create compelling narratives around your brand or organisation.

A modern mix of public relations and consultancy services
- PR campaigns
- PR stunts
- Media relations
- Press office services
- Thought leadership
- Profile raising
- Blogger and influencer outreach
- Copywriting and content marketing
Public relations that delivers
With more than two decades of PR industry expertise, we know what captures attention and drives awareness. We understand how people consume and share media. We recognise what moves and motivates an audience. And we deliver what editors and influencers won’t just expect, but love.
We see beyond media coverage and focus on the metrics that matter, anchoring our PR campaigns in meaningful objectives that we develop with you. Tactics that will create change, positively impact your reputation or drive sales. That could be motivating behaviour change in support of a public health campaign. Using public relations to support a product launch. Or finding ways to rebuild stakeholder trust after a crisis.

PR campaigns and results that matter
Every client is different. But whatever the challenge, we combine research with our specialist knowledge of the principles of public relations to get under the skin of your brief. We explore the real issues, influences and influencers at play. And use this insight to shape and implement a creative PR strategy that will deliver the results that matter to you.
We are proud of the work we do, and inject passion into each and every PR campaign. Many of our clients have worked with us for more than five years because they recognise our commitment to achieving exceptional outcomes, and value the strength of our relationship.
So how can Freshwater help inform, engage and influence the audiences that matter to you?